9010 FIT Testimonials


9010 FIT welcomes hearing your success stories with our products and services.  Please send your feedback!

Leticia Pelayo

Success Stories

"At the age of 19 I decided to make the commitment to lose weight.  It all started when I was in 6th grade, I was addicted to eating junk food such as Twinkies & ding-dongs etc.  My mom would tell me stories that she used to find empty wrappers hidden in my closet, and once she told me I couldn't believe myself.  During the 9th grade I got my physical check up from my doctor and after she examined me she told me that I was overweight by 15 pounds and at that time I was 15.  It took me a while to process it and actually care if I wanted to lose the weight right then and there. I remember before I left, the doctor told me that I needed to stay away from starchy foods such as flour tortillas, breads, etc. and that I needed to exercise 15 minutes daily.  When I graduated from high school at the age of 17 I wanted a new life and I kept saying to myself "what is it like to wear skinny jeans again"?  I had the privilege of speaking with my Aunt and I learned a lot about health and fitness through her, and then I realized how important it was.  She later gave me her Lifestyle Plan and I made sure I followed every step but also added my own twist on the food as long as it was healthy and similar.  Overall, thanks to this plan I have educated myself on health and fitness, more than I ever knew before, and I lost over 21 pounds of body fat and I feel great!  I also went from a 34" to 28" waist size!  And now my next step is to build muscle and have a more built body in general."  - Nathan P., Corona, CA, age 20


"I am currently doing high fat - low carb - medium protein for the most part, which has actually been working for me and the only thing that did work for me to drop some "extra" weight. Couldn't get below 138 ( I am 5'4") I currently weight 124 - a weight I never thought I would see again! I do work out as well and am working on getting the body I want. Would love to hear about your program too!" - Cathy S., Huntington Beach, CA, age 48

9010 FIT Fans & Results